معوقات تطبيق الموروث الإسلامي في بنغلاديش وأهم المقترحات للحفاظ عليها


  • Md Abdul Mannan Miazi Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic, University of Dhaka




Each nation has inherent roots in which depends its existence. It is proved in the history of civilizations that heritage is one of the most important pillars that establish the nation. It is the foundation upon which nation’s identity, status, power and energy. So the Islamic heritage is a comprehensive slogan that extends to everything related to Islam. It distinguishes the Muslim nation from others in all times and places. It guides the nation to one approach despite of their different colors, languages and tribes. The Muslim of Bangladesh were led in their lifestyles adhering to the Islamic heritage after the entry of Islam here until they continued to live on this style through the ages. Currently, contemporary Muslim in Bangladesh are influenced by Western cultures, customs and their secular teachings. They start to hate the Islamic heritage and leave it day after day. In this research article is indicated to obstacles for achieving Islamic heritage in Bangladesh and the most important proposals to solve it. This is an analytical article and mostly follows qualitative research method.

Each nation has inherent roots in which depends its existence. It is proved in the history of civilizations that heritage is one of the most important pillars that establish the nation. It is the foundation upon which nation’s identity, status, power and energy. So the Islamic heritage is a comprehensive slogan that extends to everything related to Islam. It distinguishes the Muslim nation from others in all times and places. It guides the nation to one approach despite of their different colors, languages and tribes. The Muslim of Bangladesh were led in their lifestyles adhering to the Islamic heritage after the entry of Islam here until they continued to live on this style through the ages. Currently, contemporary Muslim in Bangladesh are influenced by Western cultures, customs and their secular teachings. They start to hate the Islamic heritage and leave it day after day. In this research article is indicated to obstacles for achieving Islamic heritage in Bangladesh and the most important proposals to solve it. This is an analytical article and mostly follows qualitative research method.


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How to Cite

Miazi, M. A. M. (2023). معوقات تطبيق الموروث الإسلامي في بنغلاديش وأهم المقترحات للحفاظ عليها. The Dhaka University Arabic Journal, 23(25), 169–180. https://doi.org/10.62295/mazallah.v23i25.17