مظاهر الحنين في شعر رشيد أيوب: دراسة تحليلية
This study deals with an important subject titled “The Feature of Nostalgia in Rashid Ayyub's Poetry: An Analytical Study. The Nostalgia is a most important phenomenon in modern Arabic Mahjar literature that characterized in the America by the Arab migrated poets. The Poet Rashid Ayyub was a prominent personality of this literature. He was born and brought up in Lebanon. In 1905 he settled in New York City in United States. There he practiced literary works in mother language Arabic and involved with Arabic mahjar literary group called “the Pen Association”. He performed many objects of poems in Arabic modern literature and contributed to Arabic poetry with the diversity of contents and the renewal of topics. Among these topics and contents, the nostalgia or homesickness is a very significant content of his poetry. Where this chapter of poetry occupied a large area of his literary creations in general and poetic in particular. Besides that it covered most of poetic emotion and literary feeling. Because this type of poem grows up from complaining about the pain of exile, its derivative, and demonstrating of passionate for the homeland, his family and relatives. This article try to clarify the characteristics of this poet's nostalgia and feature of homesickness through explaining his poems organized in this context.
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