الدلالة اللغوية بالكلمة "التمنى"والأمنيات المستحيلة المذكورة في القرآن: دراسة تفسيرية


  • Mahade Hasan University of Dhaka
  • Md. Zahirul Islam Islamic Arabic University, Dhaka




The Arabic term “تمنى” has been mentioned many times in many ways using different types of symbols in the divine book “Al-Quran”. Allah SWT, who revealed the Quran on the Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم, brought this expression into Quran by words like “ليت (Laita)”, “لعلّ (la’alla)”, “لو (lao)” and so on. It stands for the meaning of impossible desire in some places in the Quran and it also stands for the most difficult desire in some other verses; somewhere it gives positive meaning and negative in some other places. At the beginning of the paper, the researcher discusses the meaning of the word “تمنى”, the symbols of the word “تمنى” that have been brought into the Quran, and its linguistic meaning. To mean any impossible desire, Allah SWT uses the word “ليت” in the most of the verses of the Quran. There are several impossible desires mentioned in the Quran and those will be desired by the Non-believers in the Day of Judgment. The researcher has picked up seven of those impossible desires (Sura An-Nisa: 73, Sura Al-An’aam: 27, Sura Al-Furqan: 27-28, Sura Al-Ahjab: 66, Sura Al-Haqqah: 25-27, Sura Al-Naba: 40, Sura Al-Fazr: 24). He went through some well-explained Tafsir books (Explanation of the Quran) to understand the appropriate analysis of those desires, the context of those verses, the background story of the revelation of those verses, and the lessons for the believers from those verses. The descriptive-explanatory method has been followed to find out the scholarly explanations as well as to analyze the findings in the most accurate way. From some of the highly accepted tafsir books, explanations of those verses have been discussed in this paper accordingly. Afterwards, the researcher divides those impossible desires in positive and negative one. At the end of the paper, the researcher presents some messages to the believers in Allah, in the holy books and in the day of resurrection.


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How to Cite

Hasan, M., & Islam, M. Z. (2023). الدلالة اللغوية بالكلمة "التمنى"والأمنيات المستحيلة المذكورة في القرآن: دراسة تفسيرية. The Dhaka University Arabic Journal, 23(25), 181–194. https://doi.org/10.62295/mazallah.v23i25.2