قصيد”اللغة العربية تنعى حظها بين أهلها“ لحافظ ابراهيم: دراسة تحليلية
Keywords: Arabic, Arabic language and globalization, Hafez Ibrahim, Napoleon Bonaparte.Abstract
Many Languages are spoken in the world. The diversity of human languages and colors are sign of Allah, for those of knowledge (Al-Quran, 30:22). Although the Arabic language originated in the Arab world, but this language spread to many parts of the world because of Islam. The wonderful feature of Arabic language is the Qur’anic language which usually scholars say classical Arabic, that is still used intact in various Arab inhabited areas. Arabic is a strong, rich and advanced language. The Abbasid period (750-1258) is known as the golden age of Arabic language and literature.
In 1258, Mughals invaded Baghdad, as a result the Muslim civilization and basic writing style of Arabic literature almost closed. Many libraries were wiped out. Since then, all publications in the Arabic language and literature have been written in the previous style. The poet Mohammed Hafiz Ibrahim (1872-1932) mentions a pictures of the Arabic language and literature from the distance past to the present with great regret in the current poem. Such a misery of a rich language is a matter of regret to him and to Arabic speakers and Muslims.
In 1798, Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) occupied Egypt, since then good relationship have been developed between the Arab and the Europe which began the Renaissance in the Arabic language and Literature. As a result, the path of various possibilities is opened, and there was a revival of the Arabic language and literature.
Arabic is state language of many countries in the modern world. Arabic is one of the recognized languages of the United Nations. Arabic is an essential language of world trade and commerce. The purpose of this Article to present a general idea of Arabic language, in the light of Hafez Ibrahim poems "اللغة العربية تنعى حظها بين أهلها" for those who are not deeply familiar with the Arabic language and literature.