قصيدة المساء للشاعر خليل مطران: دراسة بلاغية


  • Md Manirozzaman Rajshahi University




Keywords: Khalil Mutran, The Evening, Romanticism, Rhetorical Study


Khalil Mutran, the creative poet and pioneer of Arabic poetry, is one of the three pioneers of the romantic school and an important member of the Renewal Movement. The other two members of this enlightened march are the poets Hafiz Ibrahim and Ahmed Shawky. They revolted and rebelled against the traditional styel of writing poetry and called for a renewal of poetry and a display of stereotypes in subjects that left adherence to the Arab rules. They presented romantic or classical poetry. his poem "Al Masa" (evening) is a manifestation of romance and renewal. Mutran sang this famous poem at the sunset of his life. It was constructed with the strongest elements of emotion, the soft feelings, the strong words, and the coordinated sentences, which increased its beauty. One of the most prominent types of beauty in poetry is decorating it with the use of rhetoric. The poet used it in this poem with full attention, which we aimed to analyze carefully in the article.These features are found in all poetry and prose of the poet. The poet was established for his poetic talent as a renewed poet and noble writer and was also known as a romantic poet for dominating his emotions over his words and letters. He was nicknamed the poet of the Arab countries for his strong style of writing poems.Khalil Mutran, the creative poet and pioneer of Arabic poetry, is one of the three pioneers of the romantic school and an important member of the Renewal Movement. The other two members of this enlightened march are the poets Hafiz Ibrahim and Ahmed Shawky. They revolted and rebelled against the traditional styel of writing poetry and called for a renewal of poetry and a display of stereotypes in subjects that left adherence to the Arab rules. They presented romantic or classical poetry. his poem "Al Masa" (evening) is a manifestation of romance and renewal. Mutran sang this famous poem at the sunset of his life. It was constructed with the strongest elements of emotion, the soft feelings, the strong words, and the coordinated sentences, which increased its beauty. One of the most prominent types of beauty in poetry is decorating it with the use of rhetoric. The poet used it in this poem with full attention, which we aimed to analyze carefully in the article.These features are found in all poetry and prose of the poet. The poet was established for his poetic talent as a renewed poet and noble writer and was also known as a romantic poet for dominating his emotions over his words and letters. He was nicknamed the poet of the Arab countries for his strong style of writing poems.


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How to Cite

Md Manirozzaman. (2023). قصيدة المساء للشاعر خليل مطران: دراسة بلاغية. The Dhaka University Arabic Journal, 23(25), 71–84. https://doi.org/10.62295/mazallah.v23i25.25