Al-Qamus Al-Muhit by Al-Fairuzabadi: A Study of The Method and Characteristics
Al-Fairuzabadi, Al-Qamus Al-Muhit, method of Al-Fairuzabadi, characteristics of Al-Qamus Al-Muhit.Abstract
Lexicography, a branch of applied linguistics, is concerned with the compilation of dictionaries. The article deals with Al-Qāmūs Al-Muḥīṭ, which is considered to be one of the most widely accepted Arabic dictionaries ever. It was written by Muḥammad Ibn Yaʻqūb Al-Fairūzābādī (1329-1415) in the fourteenth century AD. As the dictionary is very sophisticated and advanced, this article aims to identify the method of Al-Fairūzābādī when compiling Al-Qāmūs Al-Muḥīṭ along with its characteristics. Because by recognizing the method and characteristics, one can be sure about the sophistication and advancement of the dictionary, uncover the reasons for its acceptability, and take full advantage of it. There have been very few and partial studies on this subject in the past, none of which could highlight its method and characteristics and proved to be very flawed and inadequate, the details of which have been mentioned in the literature review. The article has presented five key sections along with all other necessary components: a glance at the life and works of the compiler of Al-Qāmūs Al-Muḥīṭ, the meaning of “al-Muʻjam” and “al-Qāmūs”, an introduction to Al-Qāmūs Al-Muḥīṭ and the way of looking up words in it, the method of Al-Fairūzābādī while compiling Al-Qāmūs Al-Muḥīṭ, and the characteristics of Al-Qāmūs Al-Muḥīṭ. In this qualitative research, relevant lexicographic sources have been explored and the dictionary itself has been examined in detail for data collection; then, the content analysis and descriptive methods have been followed for data analysis and presentation. The study has shown the unusual way of looking up words in this special type of dictionary and clarified the types of elements mentioned under the entries within it identifying its method and characteristics. It is expected that the researchers, advanced learners, and potential practitioners of Arabic lexicography will be greatly benefited from this article.
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