The custom of using rare words in Maqama
أسلوب، الألفاظ النادرة، المقاماتAbstract
The use of Maqama to enhance the beauty of Arabic language has long been recognized and it might be called a delightful practice. The readers seek to read this literature with utmost enthusiasm; they, in the subconscious state of their mind, put the words, phrases, idioms, lexicon, and syntax as well of Arabic language into practice. That is why, like the literature of Arab Countries, this literary genre has necessarily been incorporated in the syllabi of the Madaris and Universities. In this regard, there is a dearth of pleasurable and pragmatic methods of remembering rare Arabic words. For this, I have tried to portray every enterprise to focus on how the learners of a language may develop a faculty of Arabic words while reading this literature. The article has been systematized into four domains in which the origin, development, importance, method of putting rare Arabic words into practice, statistics and the list of rare and conventional Arabic words have consistently been presented. Descriptive and statistical methods have been applied to perform the research. The article may prove that the study of `Maqama` may be a pleasurable way of practicing rare Arabic words. This research may be an extensive attempt about the means of teaching and learning rare Arabic words through the method of `Maqama`study.
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