Wisdom of Zuhair-bin Abi-Sulma in his Mu`allaqah: A Study to Provide an Ideal Modelto Teach Arabic Poetry
حِكَمُ زُهَير بن أبي سلمى في معلقته: دراسة لتقديم نموذج مثالي لتعليم الشعر العربي
Zuhair, Muallaqah, Lesson, WisdomAbstract
There is no doubt that Zuhair bin Abi Sulma is one of the greatest poets who became famous in the pre-Islamic era, and whose Muallaqats (poems) were hung on the wall of the Holy Ka’aba after evaluation, judgment, and selection. He is also one of the three poets that critics have given precedence over all Arab poets, and Omar Faruq bin Al-Khattab, the second Caliph of Islam (May Allah Almighty be pleased with him) considered him the most distinguished poet among all poets. He is from a lineage of poets. His verses related to wisdom and advice are very famous, surpassing the verses related to wisdom and advice of other pre-Islamic poets. For this reason, getting acquainted with such an exceptional poet and his wisdom in particular is very necessary for students of the Arabic language and its literature. Therefore, I wanted to write a research paper entitled “A Literary Study of the Wisdoms of Zuhair bin Abi Sulma.” This is for the reasons listed below:
- It is an interesting and useful topic, and such a study has never been seen before in Arabic journals issued by universities, public and private schools, and personal initiatives in Bangladesh until now.
- It is a practical mini-model lesson on Arabic literary texts for students and teachers, symbolizing how Poetry is taught in Arabic text classes in Arab countries. Through this lesson, teachers can redesign how to deliver a lesson and lecture on Arabic poetry and texts. They can learn in detail about the elements which ought to be included in the lessons.
- It benefits concerned people with important information in brief about the wise poet Zuhair and information related to him, such as his poetic talent, the purposes and characteristics of his poetry, the background behind writing his Mu’allaqah in general, and the writing of Al-Hikma in particular, and a comprehensive literary study of some of his poetries related to wisdom. This study includes the text, ideas, style, and words. Meanings, imagination, etc.
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