دوافع حرب الاستقلال لبنغلاديش ونتائجها بعد مرور خمسين سن
Bangladesh, War of Independence, 50 Years, The ImpetusAbstract
Bangladesh is a sovereign and independent country since 16 December 1971. The people of Bangladesh were persisting with the supreme sacrifice in the liberation war. Millions of people were victims of genocide. The declaration of independence was made by Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on 26 March 1971, who was at that time actually the Prime Minister-elect. But the conspiracy of political and military leaders of West Pakistan compelled him to this end. Nevertheless, struggle of People of East-Bengal or East-Pakistan was constant effort over the decades for an independent motherland where mother tongue will be safe and this nation could be flourished. This fertile green riverine country had all the potentials to be a developed country. But always a conspiracy of high ambitious hypocrites set obstacles to our expected development. But by the grace of Almighty Allah we are now discerning dreams come true. At the head of 50 years of independence we are to evaluate our sacrifices and to realize the extent of our achievements. This view-point is displayed through this article. It will show us the path yet to run forward.
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The Daily Ittefaq, April 09, 1966