بين المساءين: دراسة تقابلية بين قصيدتين متفق عنوانهما


  • Zubair Ehsan Hoque Department of Arabic, University of Dhaka




Khalil Mutran, Ilya Abu Madi, Natural phenomenon, the Evening, Comparison.


The article attempts to present a comparative analysis between two modern Arabic poems that bear same titles: `The Evening.’ The first one was composed by the great Lebanese-Egyptian poet Khalil Mutran (1871-1949) and the second one was written by the famous emigrant poet Iliya Abu Madi (1891-1957). The paper will show that the viewpoints of the poets were different towards a particular phenomenon of the nature i. e. the evening. As for Khalil Mutran, he tries to explore resemblance between the nature surrounding the moment of the sunset and his depressed soul in order to pour his sorrow upon the nature. On the other hand, `the Evening’ of Ilya Abu Madi tends to be an educational poem. The research work has been pursued following the comparative and analytical research method. It is hoped that the reader will see how the poets look to a particular moment of the day in different viewpoints.

Keywords: Khalil Mutran, Ilya Abu Madi, Natural phenomenon, the Evening, Comparison.


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How to Cite

Hoque, Z. E. (2023). بين المساءين: دراسة تقابلية بين قصيدتين متفق عنوانهما. The Dhaka University Arabic Journal, 23(25), 25–46. https://doi.org/10.62295/mazallah.v23i25.12