تحليل محتوى تدريبات مهارة القراءة في كتاب اللغة العربية السنة الرابعة والخامسة في المدارس الثانوية المالزية في ضوء تصنيف بلوم المعرفي


  • Asim Shahada Ali Department of Arabic Language and Literature, IIUM, Malaysia
  • Mahir Ibn Dakhilullah As-Saidi Islamic University, Medina
  • Faiza Bint Lujahir International Islamic University, Malaysia




Teaching in the classroom consists of three main components: the teacher, the student, and the textbook that presents the curricula, and in evaluating the reading content in Arabic language books in Malaysian schools, the study seeks to reveal the percentage of reading skill exercises for the levels of Bloom’s knowledge classification in the Arabic language textbook for the fourth and fifth year For the secondary level in Malaysian public schools, and searching for the percentage of reading skill exercises that fall at the lower and higher levels of thinking, and knowing the points of agreement and differences between the reading skill exercises in the Arabic language book from the point of view of Bloom’s cognitive classification. The study followed the comparative analytical method. The study reached some results, including: It became clear from the results that most of the questions in the reading skill exercises in the Arabic language book for the fourth year came from the level of understanding in Bloom’s cognitive classification, followed by the level of remembering, and for the reading skill questions in the Arabic language book for the fifth year, most of them It is located in the level of remembering and the level of understanding, and the results indicate that the percentage of lower levels of thinking (remembering, understanding, and application) prevailed over higher levels of thinking (analysis, evaluation, and creativity) at a high rate. The fourth and fifth most of them use the first person, and very few of them use the second person. It was noted that the form and style of most of the questions are close to each other, and this matter can be seen in the questions for all levels of Bloom's knowledge, from the level of remembering to the level of evaluation.


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How to Cite

Asim Shahada Ali, As-Saidi, M. I. D. ., & Faiza Bint Lujahir. (2023). تحليل محتوى تدريبات مهارة القراءة في كتاب اللغة العربية السنة الرابعة والخامسة في المدارس الثانوية المالزية في ضوء تصنيف بلوم المعرفي. The Dhaka University Arabic Journal, 23(25), 7–24. https://doi.org/10.62295/mazallah.v23i25.16