اللغة العربية والنموذج السيكولوجية للكتابة /الإملاء


  • Muhammad Lihyani University of Sayyidi Muhammad Ibn Abdullah, Fez
  • Ibrahim Al- Lihyani





Spelling (writing) is a language skill that requires a long teaching and learning path, and several psychological models have been developed for it that monitor how to learn it.

 These models are divided into two types, the first type is related to adult learning, and it can be used in teaching Arabic to non-native adults, and the second type is related to children’s learning, and it can be used in teaching Arabic, whether for native speakers or others. There is no doubt that the development of psychological models of spelling was the outcome of studies carried out on languages ​​other than Arabic, but this does not negate the possibility of benefiting from them, especially as it sought to highlight the overall rules governing the learning of dictation in alphabetic languages ​​that share a set of parameters characteristics, although they differ in some of them. Like the degree of opacity/transparency of her spelling system.

Keywords: Arabic, psychological models, teaching/learning, spelling/ writing.


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How to Cite

Muhammad Lihyani, & Ibrahim Al- Lihyani. (2023). اللغة العربية والنموذج السيكولوجية للكتابة /الإملاء. The Dhaka University Arabic Journal, 23(25), 47–58. https://doi.org/10.62295/mazallah.v23i25.19