مولانا أبو الكلام آزاد وبحثه القيم عن شخصية ذي القرنين المذكورة في القرآن
Zulqanain, his journey to East and West, erection of wall to protect the world from Yajuj –Majuj (Gog Magog)Abstract
Since characteristics and activities of Zul Qarnain revealed in the Holy Quran, Ulema and Mufassireen have differed in their opinion regarding his identification. The issue of Zul Qarnain remained a matter of great concern for them. They made their utmost efforts to find out the exact figure of Zul-Qarnain as described in the Holy Quran but failed to provide specific description regarding his personality, his place of birth and his journey to East and West and the wall erected by him to protect the world against Yajuj-Majuj. As a result, we find many names in this regard.
As for Maulana Azad, he tried his best to determine Zulqarnain and ruled out all the names specified by previous historians and mufassereen. He said that since this question was raised by Jews through infidels of Quraish, we should go through Jews’ Holy book “Old Testament” where trace of Zulqarnain could be found. By reading the description of “Old Testament” and watching the statue discovered in Iran, he proved that Zulqarnain mentioned in the Holy Quran is actually Cyrus of Iran.
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