الدوافع الاقتصادية خلف تعلم اللغة العربية للعاملين في الشرق الأوسط من بنغلاديش ومنهج تعليمهم اللغة العربية الاتصالية
https://doi.org/10.62295/mazallah.v23i26.66الكلمات المفتاحية:
بنغلاديش، العمال، الشرق الأوسط، الدوافع، العربية الاتصالية، طريقةالملخص
Thousands of workers and activists are working and expecting to travel to the various countries of Middle East (ME) for livelihood over there. There is no doubt that, ME is the most fertile and important area for achieving foreign remittance for Bangladesh. Indeed, our workers in the Arab countries are skilled and experienced in their arena, but they are not skilled in Arabic to communicate with concerned people at their working areas. So, they have been deprived of their deserving salaries and other facilities.
In this short article, we expect to express the financial motivations (الدوافع الاقتصادية) behind the learning of Communicative Arabic in Daily Life (CADL) for our migrants and workers to ME. We believe, if we can provide a fruitful Language Module (LM) and apply a proper way for learning, our foreign remittances from ME must be increased and progressed in recent future. So, this article aims to explain the financial motivations behind the learning of Arabic language for our migrants to the ME & to provide a fruitful Language Module with an eclectic method for its teaching & application.
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