Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language in Bangladesh: Theory and Practice


  • Mohammad Shamsul Karim Dhaka University



الكلمات المفتاحية:

AFL, FLA, Theory-Practice, Challenges and Opportunities.


Teaching and learning Arabic as a foreign language (AFL) in Bangladesh presents unique challenges causing a noticeable gap between theoretical foundations and real-life applications. Despite the global importance of Arabic and its growing demand in Bangladesh due to religious, cultural, and economic factors, the effective teaching and learning of AFL face significant challenges. This paper, adopting the doctrinal method, attempts to examine the gap between theory and practice in Bangladeshi AFL instruction. It underscores the historical context and current state of Arabic language proficiency in the country, highlighting the inherent difficulties faced by learners. The Survey Data analysis aims to provide a nuanced understanding of the obstacles hindering functional AFL teaching. Furthermore, the paper proposes practical recommendations to bridge the theory-practice gap, emphasizing increased investment in Arabic language education and a focus on aligning theoretical principles with practical application. Ultimately, this research aims to empower stakeholders to effectively meet the growing demand for Arabic language competency amongst Bangladeshi students and professionals through bridging the gap between theory and practice.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Karim, M. S., & MOHAMMAD MUHSIN. (2024). Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language in Bangladesh: Theory and Practice. The Dhaka University Arabic Journal, 24(27), 185–202. https://doi.org/10.62295/mazallah.v24i27.45

الأعمال الأكثر قراءة لنفس المؤلف/المؤلفين