About the Journal
- The Dhaka University Arabic Journal (DUAJ) started its journey of disseminating Arabic language and literature-based knowledge and promulgating diverse Arabic/Islamic thoughts, philosophies, histories through publishing well written Arabic research articles in 1993. Since it’s inception it has published 22 volumes and 24 issues. Through its journey, it has attracted many Arab and Islamic scholars throughout the world and published their valuable researches which have played a vital role in paving the way to learn, teach and practice Arabic language and literature in Bangladesh. Last year it submitted its three issues to Qatar University to obtain its impact factor which would be informed by the concerned authority very soon. In its upcoming issues, readers will be able to access the journal’s database online to view, download the papers they need. Now the contributors can submit their papers online. Likewise, all the steps from submission to publication can be viewed and monitored by the authors easily through a username-password process. Therefore, publishing research articles in DUAJmeans going global in the modern scientific research world.
Current Issue
Vol. 24 No. 27 (2023): The Dhaka University Arabic Journal

This is the 27th issue of the Dhaka University Arabic Journal. The issue contains DOI & ISSN no for all of its articles (both print & online).